Q&A with Marie Tur of Clubbercise Northampton

Marie Tur 600x400

When did you certify as a Clubbercise instructor?

February 2016

What made you decide to take the training?

The amazing Jo Michaels was presenting Clubbercise for the first time at Fitness Fiesta in October 2015. It was a very new concept. After taking part I was literally buzzing… it felt like Clubbercise was made for me; fun, fitness, UV glow, banging tunes and the start of something truly amazing.

Where did you take your training and how did you find the experience?

I trained in London with Anna Martin. I absolutely loved the course and the people that were on it.

When did you launch Clubbercise?

February 18th 2016, a week after my training course eek! My launch sold out and set off a huge buzz and love for glowing in Northampton. It’s been the best thing I ever did career and business-wise.

How have your classes progressed since then?

I started with one class then soon added another three. I’ve continued to run classes out of the same venues, except for when I eventually grew out of one venue and had to move. The other two venues have been the same from the start and my numbers have stayed pretty consistent all along my glow journey.

How have you adapted to the situation around the pandemic?

I was running the three venues right up until the very first lockdown. I moved to online teaching within the first week, I knew I couldn't let my clubbers down as so many rely on my classes to help them. I invested in a brand new laptop, webcam and green screen to create the best experience possible. Transitioning to online classes has been challenging but me and my Clubbers got through it together.

What impact has Clubbercise had on your participants?

Life-changing! Cubbercise has been a lifeline for so many, it's boosted self-confidence and helped with weight loss.

Clubbers now love exercise and smile non-stop when at class, some have formed amazing friendships and bonds. The messages I get from Clubbers about how my classes make them feel are priceless.

What are the biggest benefits of Clubbercise?

Clubbercise created a whole community fitness business for me, before that I only taught in gyms.

Clubbercise opened up my own community of people and obviously I was able to earn more money this way.

With the moves being easy to follow and the class being taught in the dark no one feels self-conscious or out of place.

I absolutely love teaching this concept, it’s such a fun fitness class it's hard not to love it.

Book a class with Marie >> 

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