Frequently asked questions

What venues are suitable for Clubbercise classes?

Pretty much any venue as long as it can be darkened (in summer as well as winter). It doesn't have to be pitch black, but you'll want to minimize the amount of light coming in to create a nightclub atmosphere.

How do I purchase Clubbercise glow sticks?

Our official glow sticks are a requirement for classes and you can buy them in batches directly from our online shop once you've set up your Clubbercise Licence. You can also sell them to your participants to make a profit (the RRP is £6/AU$10 per pair). Our glow sticks are reusable and recyclable.

What sort of lighting do I need?

You'll need some party lighting to create a nightclub atmosphere, you can light a small dance/fitness studio for as little as £50/AU$85. If you have a larger venue you will want a few more lights to create an authentic club effect. Once you become licensed you will receive a special discount code from our sound and lighting partner Sound Dynamics, you can view their lighting here (UK & Europe only). Their 'Moonglow' lights and UV bars are very popular.

Do I need a Clubbercise licence to run classes?

Yes, you can only run Clubbercise classes if you hold a licence.

We offer two licence types - Our Independent Licence is for instructors who want to teach their own classes in the community and our Venue Licence is for gyms, studios etc, who want to run classes for their members.

What does the licence fee cover?

The licence fee gives you the essentials to run successful Clubbercise classes - marketing materials, choreography, music, access to purchase glow sticks and more...

Will I be tied into a contract?

If you take out an Independent Licence and pay monthly you are not tied into a contract so can stop at any time but you will no longer be able to run Clubbercise classes.

If you pay annually you can cancel after 12 months.

Do you need a music licence to run Clubbercise classes?

In most countries, you will generally need a music licence because we use original tracks from well-known artists not cover versions (the music is one of the key selling points of Clubbercise).

What's the minimum age for class participants?

The minimum age for Clubbercise classes is age 16 unless the instructor is licenced to teach Family, U13 or U18 Clubbercise classes.

You can find out more about our classes for kids and teens here >

What qualifications are required to become an instructor?

You need to hold one of our recognised qualifications in order to be accepted onto a Clubbercise training course.

Acceptable qualifications - UK
Acceptable qualifications - Australia

If you're from another country please email us or call +44 (0)20 7183 2718 before booking the course. Our opening times are 10am - 5pm Monday - Friday (GMT).

How do I pass the course?

You'll be sent two routines to learn before the course. These form part of the assessment, you will be assessed on your ability to:

  • Demonstrate safe and effective technique
  • Demonstrate the Clubbercise Teaching Model
  • Follow music on beat with good timing and phrasing

When the assessment process is complete we award everyone a PASS or REFERRAL. With online courses, you'll be able to submit up to three video assessments after the course. Our aim is to help you pass and we’ll do everything we can to get you through. 

Please note that if you do not pass the course you will not be able to teach Clubbercise classes.

Is Clubbercise completely pre-choreographed?

The core routines are created by our Pro Choreographers - this helps to maintain consistency so that our Clubbers know what to expect at a class. However, we think creativity is important too and that's why we give our instructors the option to choose their own music and create their own routines for up to five tracks per class as long as they follow the rules outlined in the Class Components section of our Instructor Pack.

Any other questions?

Feel free to email us or call +44 (0)20 7183 2718. Our opening times are 10am - 5pm Monday - Friday (GMT).

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