Andrea Hall
Class Times:
Monday's 7pm - Clubbercise


Type of class:
Online class:
How to Book:

Book using the link below

Additional Information:

If its your first class please ensure you complete the online PARQ (Health Questionnaire ) prior to class starting and arrive a few mins before class starts.
First Class Pass which includes your official Clubbercise Glowsticks £11 - a must for class
Single Class Pass £7.00 booked online or £8 walk in price
Dont forget to bring a bottle of water to stay hydrated but most importantly - have fun and be yourself :-

Any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Contact number:

Social media links


Location Map

Sandon, Chelmsford CM2 7SQ, UK

There may be other class days/times available in this area click here to check


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