Sarah & Lucy's Story: Why we fell in love with Family Clubbercise

Sarah says...

I've always done a bit of exercise but not very much and not very enthusiastically.

Clubbercise has fast become one of my absolute favourite classes due to the fact firstly, that it’s in the dark so no pressure on feeling like people are watching your every move and also because the music and routines make you forget you are in the gym sweating away the day’s calories.

However, having two children and a stressful job (I’m a teacher) comes with very little free time, so I often feel the guilt of any ‘me’ time as there is little family time as well.

The gym I go to, Astley Sports Village in Cheshire, encourage family fitness and offer many sessions for kids. The fact that they've introduced Family Clubbercise means me and my 11 year old daughter Lucy get to work out together and always have loads of fun. Lucy has her own kit and glow sticks and now many of her friends and their mums come along too so it has a real community feel. The instructor Lisa has infectious enthusiasm and embraces the kids being there.

The benefits of this activity go without saying! On a cold Saturday morning just after Christmas I expect my daughter would be glued to some form of screen, be it electronic homework, group chat or just watching some telly.

This class removes more of the guilt we face as parents as I am content with the fact we are poking each other with glow sticks in between tracks rather than me battling with her over screen time.

I’m also pleased that I can be there for her as a role model and embed the importance of exercising from an early age and also showing her that the gym is a safe and fun environment full of encouragement.

Which will hopefully mean she will unlikely ever fear the gym or exercise.

Lucy says...

I love it because I get to spend time with my mummy and have fun. It’s good exercise and I love dancing especially with the flashing lights on. Lisa is really kind and loads of fun. My favourite bit is the dance offs we do.

Find out more about Clubbercise classes for familes, kids and teens >>

Sarah and Lucy

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